Thursday, January 27, 2011

Not a winter wonderland

This week has had it's challenges. We've been getting through DH's recovery from a stomach bug which has made meal planning challenging. Just when we're getting back into a normal routine, DS seems to have picked up intermittent digestive ills as well that threaten to get him sent home each day from daycare. Now really, I think it's a little excessive to call me at work each time he soils a diaper to tell me whether its consistency improved or not, but his daycare teachers are just following policy. I have no idea what's causing his discomfort, but it's certainly not all the time.

Then there's the snow. Mother nature was having a hot flash apparently and needed to cool down so she chose to do so with over a foot of the white (and now grey, brown and yellow) stuff. I'm reminded of all the things I can't stand in winter. Being cold and soggy, shoveling, trying to get to work because my company never closes, seriously slippery roads, that my town barely plows and when they do plow, they bury us in 4 ft piles at the foot of the driveway, and the list goes on and on...

The outcome of this week is that I'm not taking the time to really plan meals well or track, and definitely have not made time for exercise. On the upside, I've also been so busy that I don't really have time to eat much so the snacking has been minimized. Normally, the stress level I'm at would have me hankering for deep fried yummies but anything fried is out of the question while we have 2 members of the household w/ GI distress. Surprisingly, I'm not hankering. I also retroactively tracked the first couple days of the week and found I'm not eating my full day's allotment of points either. So we'll see how it goes by this weekend.

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